Wednesday Bolts – 7.28.10

KD tweeted late yesterday: “I lowkey miss Seattle and Key Arena.” Someone then asked him if he liked it more than the Ford Center and he replied, “nope not at all..but i miss it.” Obviously Durant will likely get some blowback here, as will OKC fans who will definitely hear from the Pacific Northwest. To me, this is such a non-issue. The team is here, KD is here and he’s on record saying he absolutely loves it. Us Okies can’t let our Napoleonic Complex get the best of us here and get all riled up. I’m looking at you, unnamed loudmouth radio host person.
Coach Scott Brooks on the Sports Animal in Oklahoma City talking about Team USA participation leading to some tired legs: “It’s not going to be easy to win the gold. It’s going to take a lot of effort, a lot of energy, but our guys are young and they’re excited to play. They’re going to play basketball all year long. Kevin, I wanted him to take a couple of weeks off and he took two days off. … There’s going to be a little bit of time where I’ll say ‘OK, you guys gotta rest,’ and maybe I can rest them a few days during that month of October, but it’s going to be like pulling teeth to get those guys to sit out of things.” (Via Sports Radio Interviews)
An interesting post by Shoals and Ziller on nine trade demands that nearly shook the NBA, but didn’t.
Ryan Schwan of Hornets 24/7 has a massive post up compiling pretend trade offers for Chris Paul from other bloggers. He ranks 13 offers. Number one? A tie between the Pistons and Magic.
Daequan Cook to Darnell Mayberry: “Playing in Miami, my skills weren’t expanded as much as I know they can be because you have a guy in Dwyane Wade who had a lot of attention and the ball was with him most of the time,” Cook said. “But here, I’m going to get an opportunity to expand my game. I’m more than just a shooter and I’ve always been. So it’s just important for me to work on those things and get back into the habit of doing the things I was doing.”
Royal Ivey doing some stuff with kids: “Royal Ivey has spent a basketball career proving himself worthy, rising from an outsider’s position in a fashion that he believes makes him well qualified to counsel kids. Standing in front of 65 children on Tuesday at Camp Glimmer on Lake Travis, Ivey, a former Texas Longhorn, spoke of his improbable rise from marginal college prospect to NBA veteran.”