Wednesday Bolts – 12.2.15

: “The Oklahoma City Blue lost to the Idaho Stampede 93-84, but in his first D-League stint this season, McGary getting on the floor after a sluggish start with the Thunder was a victory for the 23-year-old. McGary saw plenty of the court on Tuesday, logging 28 minutes and scoring a game-high 22 points, accounting for 12 of the Blue’s first 19 points in the first quarter on 5-of-7 shooting. His points production slowed a bit after that, but it wasn’t about scoring for the second-year forward.”
Anthony Slater: “Morrow is the type of success story the program loves to promote. He’s not Marbury or Derrick Favors or Chris Bosh — the mega recruit or the future lottery pick or the multi-year NBA All-Star. But neither are a vast majority of Georgia Tech’s players. So Morrow’s picture is plastered right beside Bosh and Mark Price’s because he’s a guy most younger players can easier relate. His path to the NBA makes their dreams seems more realistic. Morrow was an average recruit, an effective but unspectacular college player, an undrafted prospect heading to the Ukraine before an unlikely 2008 summer league explosion earned him a spot on the Warriors roster.”
LeBron doesn’t really agree with Kevin Durant’s assessment on how the media has covered Kobe.
Dan Devine of BDL on KD vs. the media: “Durant wants us to “take [ourselves] out of it and think about the game” when we write about Kobe, to excise our passions and biases — something KD admittedly couldn’t do here — before we start typing. We don’t always think about the game the same way, though. In this case, that difference and the distance between the two points led Durant to offer some perspective on his emotional response to cold, rational criticism. That doesn’t mean his response is bang-on, and it might not mean we “get” how players work now. It might mean we get him a little better, though. That’d be something, at least.”
John Wall: “I know people will panic, and I get a lot of Twitter trash talks, but that doesn’t bother me because when we get back to playing well, and I’m playing well, they’ll all be back on the bandwagon.”