The best pictures from Thunder media day

Media day is mainly about the start of training camp, the moment the NBA season has officially arrived. Players meet with the media, talk about how excited they are and such and such and then get set for a couple weeks of hard work and preparation for the new season.
But they also get portraits done for some reason. I’ve never really understood why, but it happens every year and each time, there’s a batch of photos that one could put in the categories of awkward, weird, funny and boring. Here’s the best from Oklahoma City’s media day album.

There’s KD, in the traditional “Yell at the Camera” pose. It’s like the “Blue Steel” of media day looks. I wasn’t in the area where they were taking these, but I’ve always wondered if the player has to actually yell to get his face to that point, or if he can just do it on his own.

As you can see, Cole Aldrich couldn’t get into his comfort zone to let loose on a yell pose. He’s caught in between a yell, a smile and a tough guy look. What he ends up with is something that resembles a guy that’s taking a dump with a basketball in his hand.

It looks like Royal Ivey actually is trying the “Blue Steel” look. Or maybe it’s “The Tigra.” I can’t ever get those straight.


I just cannot picture Nick Collison being cool with doing this. I envision it being the type of thing where he keeps just going halfway with it — also known as “The Cole Aldrich” — but the photographer keeps wanting more and making him re-do it. Finally, they get the shot they need because the photographer says, “One more Nick,” and he actually is yelling, “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!”

My wish for this season: That the Air Congo becomes Oklahoma City’s version of “Tebowing.” I want people Air Congoing everywhere in Oklahoma — the Bricktown canal, the Paseo, the Cowboy Hall of Fame, on top of the new Devon Building, jumping out of Loud City while doing it… everywhere.

A candidate for Awkward Family Photos. Why? Because Perk is smiling and we all know how awkward that made everyone feel.
And finally, let’s finish with this one:

Make up your own caption for that one.