So you’re saying there’s a chance?

Vegas has released its odds for next season’s NBA Championship and Oklahoma City’s chances aren’t more like one in a million, they’re more like one in a hundred. Oh yeah!

Now before you get too excited, the Thunder is one of eight teams with 100/1 odds (Bobcats, Warriors, Clippers, Bucks, Kings and Raptors). Only two teams had worse odds. The Timberwolves with 125/1 odds and the Grizzlies with 150/1. A lot of faith there in Chris Wallace’s drafting skills I see.
The best odds are on the Lakers at 9/4, the Cavs at 3/1, the Celtics at 9/2 and the Magic at 15/2.So in case you’re wondering, if you (wisely) put 10 bucks down on the Thunder that means you’ll get a thousand dollar return when they win the title. Yep, that’s what you call easy money.