Perk is on Twitter and it’s awesome

Kendrick Perkins finally joined Twitter and so far, it’s outstanding. From his Twitter name — @perk5yunghawg — to his profile picture to his tweets, I can tell you that Perk is definitely a must-follow.
Perk followed up with, “my wife said me but i know she dont want to hurt my feelings.”
He also tweeted KD, “Oh that tickled ya fanny” after KD gave a hearty chuckle to his Forest Whitaker thing.
Perk wanted to make sure OKC felt his love: “and now i want to thank my new city OKC for all the love and embracing me i wont let yall down.” And to prove it, Perk has slimmed down pretty big time and is looking great so far at training camp.
Another gem: “i hope everybody know that im not just KD friend and teammate im his full time bodyguard lol but im so serious.”
Perk also asked this: “let me let yall know if u not a cowboy fan dont follow me lol see yall in the super bowl greenbay.” Perk is obviously unaware of how the NFL playoff system works. He ain’t got time for specifics. Or punctuation.