Kevin Durant to sign a five-year extension with the Thunder

Exstension for 5 more years wit the #thunder….God Is Great, me and my family came a long way…I love yall man forreal, this a blessing!

I honestly don’t know how much I can add to this. We knew it was coming. KD has said all along he wanted to be in OKC and from our short experience with Durant so far, there was no reason not to believe him.
Terms of the deal have not yet been disclosed and of course this doesn’t become official until tomorrow, but I heard a number of around $84 million tossed around. No official confirmation on that though. Marc Spears of Yahoo reports that it’s a firm five-year deal with no opt-out after the fourth year. So he’s CLEARLY totally committed to OKC. And if I understand Larry Coon’s FAQ properly, this extension doesn’t go into effect until after KD’s current deal ends in 2011, meaning we actually have at least six years left with Durant.
As Chris Ballard of SI put it, “Not sure what’s wrong with Kevin Durant. Dude signs 5-year contract and forgets to hold TV special, flirt w/other team or co-opt headlines. It’s almost as if Durant’s number one priority is to play basketball.”
Seriously, what’s up with KD? It’s not all about basketball, teammates and winning. You gotta think about your brand. You gotta think about the fame. You gotta think about going global. These are the reasons I wouldn’t give Durant up for anyone – he’s all about basketball. He’s all about winning. He’s all about team. And for at least the next six years, he’s all about Oklahoma City.