DT Shirt Summer Vacation Gallery: Submit a photo, win a shirt!

Have you seen the official Thunder team site’s summer vacation-themed, submit-a-photo-win-a-trip thing? It’s pretty cool and you should enter: You submit photos of yourself wearing official Thunder gear on summer vacation, and they select a random winner for a free trip to see USA Basketball (featuring Kevin Durant) in Las Vegas. It seems likely there will be a neat photo gallery of people in Thunderwear to follow.
Well, DT of course has cool shirts. And I see them being worn around town, so I know they’ve probably been stuffed in suitcases (or trash bags and Walmart sacks, for you college students out there) and thrown in a trunk or overhead bin for summer getaways as well. Actually, we know they have been because we’ve already had a couple vacation pictures sent in on Facebook and e-mail. As you can see with the photo accompanying this post, Air Congo apparently makes stops in China. (That is China right, not Idabel? Easy to get the Great Walls of China and McCurtain County confused.)
Even though we can’t afford to reward someone with a trip to Las Vegas (and if we could, we’d rig the contest and send someone who would take us anyway), may we interest you in a free DT-Shirt to a lucky participant in the DT-Shirt Summer Vacation Gallery?
There are only a few rules. Send in a photo of yourself or someone else wearing a DT shirt somewhere outside of Oklahoma. That would include out-of-staters who could take pictures of themselves in their own hometowns, which obviously wouldn’t represent a vacation but we’ll allow anyway. Limit one per person, but that means if you and your two buddies have a few pictures of yourselves wearing the shirts somewhere, you can send in three even if the photos have all of you in them. Include your name (required) and the names of other people in the picture (not required, only if they want to be identified by name), and information about where and when the picture was taken. And don’t send in something like, “This is me inside my apartment in Duluth.” It has to be obvious, or at least appear likely, you’re somewhere outside Oklahoma. Could you take a picture at Lake Thunderbird and say “Trust me, I was in Kansas,” and get away with it? Yeah, probably. But please don’t.
Send your photos by e-mail to okpatrickjames@gmail.com and/or dailythunder@gmail.com, or post them to the Daily Thunder Facebook page or send them to Royce on Twitter. The deadline is Labor Day and we’ll have a couple of reminders in the Bolts, especially closer to the deadline. One lucky person who sent in a photo will be chosen at random to win a free DT shirt from Tree and Leaf, any type or size you want. No prize for craziest photo or coolest place visited — just a random winner to keep it fair to travelers of all means. We’ll contact you how you contacted us.
When it’s over, we’ll put up a gallery of some or all of the photos. How they’re chosen depends on you guys. If we get a huge response and tons of photos, we may have to select a few of our favorites for the gallery. But if we only hear crickets, we’ll have to take pictures of our friends and moms in our own DT shirts on the Texas side of Lake Texoma and post all submissions, pretending we had an overwhelming response and are very loved. Up to you. All submissions will be eligible for the free DT shirt, even if they don’t make it into the gallery.