DT Shirt Summer Vacation Gallery

Well, the DT Shirt Summer Vacation Gallery got an overwhelming response from you readers in the form of four total submissions in an attempt to win a free DT shirt. But I’ll accept the blame for that because I didn’t think of it until summer was half over. Next summer we’ll do it again but launch it before Memorial Day.
Daily Thunder reader Grant Wilson of Norman is the winner of the aforementioned DT shirt. The random selection process involved the highly scientific process of me putting numbers one through four on folded small pieces of paper, and Mrs. Patrick James pulling the one that represented Grant out of a Thunder hat. A hearty thanks to the other folks who submitted photos. Grant has opted to wait to claim his prize until the new DT shirts launch sometime soon.
Grant’s winning snapshot came on a vacation he took in July with his wife Meg and her family in Maine at Acadia National Park. Grant, as you can see, was sporting his WHY NOT? playoffs T-shirt as he stood next to his brother-in-law, 10-year-old Ethan. Bonus points (that did not influence his victory, I assure you) for Ethan’s Kevin Durant shirt and especially for the location of the shot: Thunder Hole, a chasm on the coast.
Grant says he’s an avid Thunder fan who has been to a lot of home games, including the team’s not-so-epic first game against Milwaukee in October 2008 and the epic Game 3 playoffs win against the Lakers.
“Best sporting event I’ve ever been to,” he said.
Grant’s an Oklahoma State University grad who holds a University of Oklahoma law degree, which for a lot of people around these parts is either his saving grace or what makes him a traitor. But he contends he only wears OSU orange and Thunder blue when it comes to local sports gear.
So thanks again for those who participated. Check out the other submissions below.

Eric Mai with Madeline Barker and Blake Johnson outside the Staples Center in Los Angeles before Game 1 of the playoffs.

Larry Ball’s two sons at their condo in Hawaii.

Matthew Joplin at the Santa Fe Opera House in New Mexico.