Are you ready for the playoffs? Because NEXT IS NOW

Monday, March 29th at 12 PM CDT, Daily Thunder and Tree and Leaf will be releasing our official Thunder playoff shirt. Now yes, I realize there are still 11 regular season games remaining. And yes, I realize it’s POSSIBLE a very bad thing could happen that we will not speak of. But yesterday we announced the shirt, thus potentially igniting a massive jinx and what did our Thunder do? Beat the Lakers by like 85 points. So I think we’re cool.
Anyway, the shirt is totally cool. The WHY NOT? comes from Russell Westbrook’s bracelet that was highlighted in a Yahoo! article a few weeks ago. And we feel like it perfectly represents this run this year and the potential going into the playoffs. Seriously, Why Not? Why can’t they? Why won’t they? You decide what that means. And we’ve heard all year how next year the Thunder will be a team to consider. This team will be good, but not now. Wait until next year. They’re too young, they’re too raw, they’re too experienced. Be patient. Well guess what? NEXT IS NOW.